
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen and an Affiliated Professor of J-PAL.

My research uses experiments to study human behaviour in different domains. 

Most of my work aims to understand how we can improve the functioning of labour markets and remove obstacles for the most disadvantaged workers. 


Anonymity or Distance? Job Search and Labour Market Exclusion in a Growing African City (with G. Abebe, S. Caria, M. Fafchamps, S. Franklin, and S. Quinn). Review of Economic Studies. 

Skeptical employers: Experimental evidence on biased beliefs constraining firm growth (with S. Caria). Review of Economics and Statistics. 

Matching Frictions and Distorted Beliefs: Evidence from a Job Fair Experiment (with G. Abebe, S. Caria, M. Fafchamps, S. Franklin, F. Shilpi, and S. Quinn). Conditionally Accepted, Economic Journal. 

The Material Basis of Cooperation: How Scarcity Reduces Trusting Behavior (with G. Agneman, E. Joel, and O. Selejio). Economic Journal.

When the Stadium Goes Silent: How Crowds Affect the Performance of Discriminated Groups (with M. Caselli and G. Mattera). Journal of Labor Economics.

Labour Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe (with A. Bassanini, et al.) Journal of Human Resources.

Social Ties at Work and Effort Choice: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania (with M. Chegere and A. Menzel). Accepted, Journal of Development Economics.

Entrepreneurship versus joblessness: explaining the rise in self-employment (with L. Haywood). Journal of Development Economics. 

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Twitter: @paofal
