Selected media coverage of my academic and policy work
BBC - Coverage of "When the Stadium Goes Silent" - May 2023
NEGÓCIOS - Coverage of "When the Stadium Goes Silent" - May 2023
GLOBO - Coverage of "When the Stadium Goes Silent" - May 2023
VoxDev - The Effects of Food Scarcity on Trusting Behaviour - January 2023
Zicklin Talks Business - Inside the NBA Bubble: How Black Players Performed Better without Fans - January 2023
True Hoop - Inside The NBA Bubble - November 2022
Basketball Illuminati - Inside The NBA Bubble - October 2022
The New York Times - Measuring the Cost of Racial Abuse in Soccer - July 2021
Wired - Black Footballers Played Better without Fans - July 2021
Weekendavisen - Coverage of the paper When the Stadium Goes Silent: How Crowds Affect the Performance of Discriminated Groups - July 2021
VoxEU - When the stadium goes silent: How crowds affect the performance of discriminated groups - July 2021
Politiken - Coverage of the paper As long as they are cheap: Experimental Evidence on the Demand for Migrant Workers - October 2020
Radio4 DK - Coverage of the paper As long as they are cheap: Experimental Evidence on the Demand for Migrant Workers - October 2020
Vice - Interview on the Future of Work - June 2020
Weekendavisen - Coverage of the paper Promoting social distancing in a pandemic - May 2020
La Repubblica - Coverage of the paper Evaluating COVID-19 Public Health Messaging in Italy: Self-Reported Compliance and Growing Mental Health Concerns - March 2020
TEDx - Il Futuro del Lavoro (The Future of Work) - Video - July 2019
CAPITAL RADIO (SPAIN) - Interview (SPANISH) on the Future of Work (OECD Employment Outlook 2019) - April 2019
Estonian Qualifications Authority - 20th anniversary conference - Keynote speech (Video) - December 2018
Estonian Parliament Foresight Centre Conference on The Future of Work - Keynote speech (Video) - April 2018
MEDMUN (Model UN Conference) Science Po - Keynote speech (Video) - March 2018
IBS Jobs Conference - How technology and globalisation are transforming the labour market - (Video) - December 2017
Edtech Podcast - The Future of Work - November 2017
VoxDev - Helping young people access better employment opportunities - November 2017
Jounrnées de l'Économie (Lyon) - Débat sur "Les frontiers du salariat" - Video (FRENCH) - November 2017
OUISHARE Fest (Paris) - Le Tribunal pour les générations futures - Video (FRENCH) - July 2017
CEC Leadership of the Future Conference (Stockholm) - Keynote Speech on The Future of Work - Video - June 2017
SEV Digital Strategy Conference (Athens) - Extract from my speech (Video) - Interview (Video) - May 2017
VoxEU - The curse of anonymity and the tyranny of distance: The impacts of job-search support in urban Ethiopia - December 2016
Euronews (Insiders) - Happiness at Work - Video - ENGLISH - FRENCH - October 2016
El Financiero - México en el top 10 de países con menos inspectores de trabajo (SPANISH) - October 2016
Le Monde - Les pays baltes peinent à rattraper le niveau de vie de la zone euro - August 2016
OECD Insights - Gender inequality: Breaking the “grass” ceiling in emerging economies - July 2016
LSM.LV - OECD norāda uz lielu nevienlīdzību un iedzīvotāju skaita sarukumu Latvijā - April 2016
TV3 Ziņas (evening news) - News coverage of the press conference for the launch Launch of the OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies (LATVIAN) - March 2016
Nearshores Americas - On ALMPs in Mexico - February 2016
TG3 - Agenda del Mondo - La Fonderia Oxford (ITALIAN) - December 2012
Fonderia Oxford - My commentary on labour market reforms in Italy (Riforma Fornero) - Video (ITALIAN) - May 2012.
Il Fatto Quotidiano - Conferenza a Londra: Fatti non quotidiani: da Berlusconi all’Europa di Monti, fuggire o tornare? - Conference video (ITALIAN) - My presentation (ITALIAN) - May 2012
Rapporto Carelli (Sky News) - Extract from a live debate with trade union leader Susanna Camusso (ITALIAN) - Short Version - March 2012
Rapporto Carelli (Sky News) - Extract from a live debate with former PM Massimo D'Alema (ITALIAN) - March 2012
National Public Radio (NPR) - Italian Law Pits Older Workers Against Younger Ones - April 2012
Rapporto Carelli (Sky News) - Extract from a live debate with Vittorio Feltri (ITALIAN) - January 2012
Rapporto Carelli (Sky News) - Extract from a live debate with Renato Brunetta MP (ITALIAN) - December 2011